Betta Fish Fun Facts: Top 10 (Interesting) Things to Know

betta fish facts
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Last Updated: March 22, 2023 by Flora Gibbins

Did you know these fun facts about betta fish?

Betta Fish facts

In the wild they are a dull color

Unlike the specially bred betta fish that you see in stores and have as pets. In the wild Betta fish are a dull browny green color

Domestic betta fish are more aggressive

Due to many generations of selective breeding for betta fish fighting and gambling, it is the domesticated (pet) betta fish that are more aggressive than the ones you would find in the wild.

Betta fish fighting was a sport

In a similar way to the more well-known cock fighting, betta fighting was once a sport in Thailand (Siam) where betting took place over which fish would survive or win the fight.

They are not native to Japan or China

Betta fish are sometimes called Japanese fighting fish or Chinese fighting fish although they are not native to either country.

They can breathe air

Unlike most fish Betta fish can breathe air! They can even jump out of an aquarium. They have a labyrinth bladder, allowing them to take air from above the water’s surface.

You shouldn’t fill your tank to the top

Betta fish who do not use their labyrinth bladder can fall ill (which can be life-threatening) – so always make sure there is a gap at the top of your tank for your fish to breathe from the surface.

They can be trained to do tricks

Betta fish can be taught tricks such as taking food from your hand, going through a hoop, and following a laser pen or interact with toys.

Betta fish recognize their owner

They can recognize their owner and if there is a tub of fish food in your hand they will know it is feeding time!

Their natural habitat is shallow streams and rice paddies

Betta fish live in shallow streams and rice paddies. Although they can be shallow, these are often huge areas of wetland. This habitat should not be confused with being ‘small’.

Betta fish should not be kept in vases

Bettas shouldn’t be kept in tiny containers. As you learned from the fact above betta fish live in large wetlands. They like to swim. It is true that they can survive in tiny areas however this is not living!

Did you learn anything about bettas in these 10 quick betta fish facts? What did we miss? Please leave all your betta fish facts in the comments below! 🙂

22 thoughts on “Betta Fish Fun Facts: Top 10 (Interesting) Things to Know”

  1. I have a male thai betta in a 6 g marineland pillar tank. I would also add that they should not be fed more than 3 betta pellets per day, and should not eat at least one day out of the week.

  2. Not sure I’m believing that betta fish are a dull brown color in their natural habitat. Maybe you have some information following that.

    Quick question, how do you feel about a community tank with 6 females and one male? I have been having success for quite some time but it seems no body talks about it.

  3. I have a veiltail blue male beta, and the way to tell male from female:
    Female- shorter fins, and no beard
    Male- Long beautiful fins, and ferocious beard around head- much like a lion’s mane.
    Hope this helps!

  4. Heya im trying to find some information on fighter fish living together, I have two males that are in the same tank although one is a crowntail and the other is a butterfly one-atleast thats what I think its called the butterfly one is massive compared to the crowntail but they are absolutly fine together and have always been together, I was advised that I should breed them with a female since it doesnt happen very often I was just looking for opinions since I cant find much about them living together

  5. i have one who cut his fin pretty bad on a plastic plant,i didn’t think it had sharp edges but it does :(,his name is Shark,he’ll be fine, but here’s some advice for everyone,buy real or silk plants!!!!

  6. i have one who cut his fin pretty bad on a plastic plant,i didn’t think it had sharp edges but it does :(,his name is Shark,he’ll be fine, but here’s some advice for everyone,buy real or silk plants!!!! I hope i helped!!!

  7. Can i put a female and male together in the same tank? Ive done it before,they were fine but i have a new male betta,and i can’t seem to entertain him,i think he needs a friend,i know males most definitely can’t be together,but can someone tell me if i can get a female to live with him?

  8. So glad to have found this site. Colansolado is a brilliant blue and my husband thinks I am crazy to think a fish stares at me when I sit at my desk. Colansolado resents my viewing my email before I socialize and feed him. So he stares at me. when I stand up and reach to feed him, he goes to my fingers and eats the pellets . The “bubbles” worried me because I thought I was doing something wrong (I use only filtered water). I read that a Beta could be held and I cup my hand and hold him to transfer him to a small glass dish while I clean the bowl. I think a net would traumatize him. Am I wrong?

    1. You must be careful if you handle your betta fish as they have a slime coating over their scales. Any soaps, detergents / general human use chemicals that could be on your hand can damage this coating – which protects them from infections.

      Sounds like you are having lots of fun with him though! 🙂

    2. My Indigo stares at me too. In ever knew a fish could keep their attention long enough to care but he will swim as close as possible to where I am and just watch. He’s amazing

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